Worpswede en het Teufelsmoor
Het kunstenaarsdorp
in Teufelsmoor
Worpswede and the Teufelsmoor
Worpswede offers unique combinations of experiencing nature and art. Closely 800 years ago Worpswede was mentioned documentary for the first time. The location at the foot of the Weyerberg made this place the object of possible habitation, even if life at this place, back then, was mainly about the struggle to survive. On the contrary, the Teufelsmoor remained most of all uninhabited.
In the middle of the 18th century, however, first attempts to drain the swampland were made. Besides agriculture, which was not able to yield a vast amount of crops, peat extraction was the main source of income for the first settlers. Life back then was coined by the struggle to make it through, indicated by the saying: “Den Ersten sien Dod, den Tweeten sien Not, den Drütten sien Brod.“ (The first one’s death, the second’s distress, and the third one’s bread.) Up until today, those living conditions are possible to re-enact in lots of museums.
Approximately by the end of the 19th century, Worpswede changed and initiated to become an artists’ colony. The vast landscape with its unique skies and the highly expressive faces of swampland farmers, coined by hard work, were the motifs chosen predominantly by first painters. Those first artists wanted to capture the untouched nature, far away from cities and academies, and, thanks to them, Worpswede started the quest to be known all around the world.
During a stay in today’s Worpswede, you are still able to share the charm that once might have made all those artists stay – experience our museums and galleries, or just enjoy the landscape of the Teufelsmoor. Further, you will be able to confirm that Worpswede, contrary to lots of other artists’ colonies that were founded in the 19th or 20th century, is still a very vivid one. Approximately 140 artists live and work here today.
Further, Worpswede and its surroundings offer a variety of other leisure time activities: From bicycling to wellness, fine food to high-quality concerts, cosy shopping tours to poetry readings – lots of opportunities to escape every day routine and stress.
Feel free to enjoy restful days amid art and nature in our artists’ colony Worpswede.